Argo to the Rescue
Lauren Snyder2022-08-25T17:35:26+00:00
Welcome to The Autonomy Report.
A roundup of recent news in the autonomous vehicle industry.

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Research has shown that buttons may be superior to touch screens when it comes to vehicle interfaces. Argo is partnering with 412 Food Rescue, using autonomous vehicles to aid the nonprofit. Plus, Lyft is expanding into autonomy.
Lastly, we expand on the need for new technologies to bring autonomous navigation to underserved areas. [Read More]
For these, and more stories, read on!

-Project images onto the road. Ford is testing out high-resolution headlights capable of projecting images directly onto the road ahead. Watch the video above or read the article here to learn more about the possibilities of this technology.
-Good old fashioned buttons. Sleek touchscreens look amazing and feel modern, but they lack the tactile feedback associated with physical buttons. A screen may be capable of a lot, but it can also pull attention off the road. According to a Swedish publication, there is a case to be made for the efficiency of buttons.
-The Digital Future. Highways today takes a look at the future of digital roads in the UK. Explore the basic concept, the benefits, and the detriments. This vision of the future is applicable worldwide.

-Argo to the rescue. Argo AI has partnered with 412 Food Rescue in Pittsburgh. Autonomous vehicles from Argo will aid the nonprofit by picking up and delivering food donations that help to address food scarcity in the area.
-Arm and Cruise partner to advance autonomous vehicles. With this partnership, Cruise will continue to innovate using Arm’s high-performance, low-power computing systems.
-Lyft is expanding to autonomous vehicles. In a partnership with Motional, Lyft is planning to release a fleet of autonomous vehicles in 2023. The fleet will consist of Ioniq-5 vehicles from Motional.

-Deadline extended for public input. The deadline for public input on petitions from General Motors and Ford Motor has been extended. In their petitions, each company seeks to release a limited number of fully autonomous vehicles. These vehicles in both cases would lack steering wheels brakes and other such human controls.
-Michigan updates laws on autonomous vehicles. Adjusting for the times, Michigan has updated their laws regarding the on-road operation of autonomous vehicles. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signed into law a bill to allow state to move forward with the development of a connected and automated vehicle corridor.
-Emergency alerts may be able to be shown on vehicle screens. The Department of Homeland Security is testing a system that would allow them to push alerts to the vehicle screens. The Wildland Urban Interface integration model is part of an incorporation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Integrated Public Alert & Warning System.

-Overlooked and underserved. When it comes to exciting new technologies, rural areas are left out of the loop for years or even decades. My childhood hometown still doesn’t have cable tv or internet. In my latest blog post, I take a closer look at these traditionally underserved regions and how that lack of service can impact the adoption of new technologies.
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